Why I Write
There’s a beauty in the way words form on a page. Whether that be digital or print; the flow of lines, dots, and dashes has always captured my interest and fascinated my mind. When, for example, I open the pages of a book I do not just see the messages they carry, but the deeper indents of the words on the page. The flow of ink from nib to paper as thoughts, emotions, and feelings are all inscribed with the intent of lasting. Writing does not have to communicate a direct message through the meaning of the scratches it produces. The color of the ink, the force of the pen, the power of the motions… these are just as palpable as the definitions of the words that you are consuming. As the words you are writing.
The age of writing has never been stronger. Even if the age of print is not. Pull out your phone. A book. Read. You have access to an infinite potluck of information. Falsehoods and facts. Fiction and fashion for your eyes to consume and grow off of. Words and sentences, the structures of our lives, are the foundations from which our minds root. Grow your mind into a tree.
Be careful wayward sailor. Much like Magellan the world ahead is full of mystery and undiscovered danger. What you may know might desert you when you need it most. Do not be afraid to learn, for as scary as it may be, you will be better for it. Be diligent.
Do not trust those that you do not know, and trust those that you know even less. Anyone can mislead you. Trust your heart. Trust your mind. Trust in diligence to know what is true, and when faced with even the slightest doubts, research. Read more. Read until your hands bleed and eyes grow sore. Then read some more.
I love writing not because it is a way to convey data, but feeling. Words are forever, even when voices are not. Long after we are gone, the words that we have written will remain. Even if no one has, or will, read them.