It’s a New Day
I love this website. I always have, I always will. But things are changing, and sometimes change isn’t always what we expect it to be. This website, as it has been known for the past year and a half is changing. Some of the changes are pretty obvious. A new logo, A new title, even a new domain. But some of the smaller changes are less obvious. All personal and professional posts will be shared on my website. [](, while more thoughtful posts will be shared here. Both small and large. Hopefully this new website, Aspires, will become something that I and everybody who reads it will enjoy. I make no promises on it’s publication and simply will write here for fun to fulfill in myself a desire for better content on the internet to read. In all regards, this site is nothing more than a publication of uncertainty. One who aspires to be great, will one day achieve greatness. That is what I hope for in this publication. Nothing more, nothing less. Please read more information on this change through my website.
It’s been a pleasure, and I hope that in the future it grows to be an even greater one. Thank you for such a great year.