An Ode to 2015
It’s the final day of 2015, a year full of some good, and some really bad moments. It’s a year of change, for myself, for our nation, and for the world. It’s a year full of lasts. It’s my last season of Marching Band, the beginning of my last year in high school. It’s the last year that Avon will be my only home. It’s the last year where my future is certain.
2015 is a year of fear. Fear of the future, fear of climbing the mountains in life that years ago were just specks on the flat horizon, and before not visible at all. It’s the year that terror struck the world, first in the Middle East and then in Paris. A year when we had to look at terrible actions and stand up for those in need. It’s the year that we saw that we as a country were not as perfect as previously thought. Wrought with domestic terrorism and shootings to the point where we page through the stories, which are seen much to often.
2015 is a year of hope. Next year will be better. I will overcome those mountains, life never stops moving forward and I hope that our country will overcome it’s fears. I hope that in 2015 we come to terms with ourselves as a nation. Our country is not perfect nor will it ever be. We have to be hospitable to those who need our help. To all people of Arabic descent, and of Muslim faith. To those who are running from oppression and certain death. This is bigger than us as a country, in todays connected world we are not merely citizens of separate nations. But people separated only by borders and distance, and connected by language and communication.
Tomorrow the future is here. Great strides in humanity are forthcoming and I’m thrilled to be able to witness them. If only great strides of humanity were as certain. Tomorrow life get’s back on track and we all say we’ll be doing something different with our lives. Tomorrow is when the gym will be more swol than ever before. So tonight just party, have fun. Forget about your last minute resolutions. There’s always next year.