Tristan Isham

My impassioned writings about whatever obscurities interest me

Page 4

So I Bought my Last Name.

In today’s web based world it only makes sense to own a domain name or a few. But when it came down to buying a domain name that could represent myself and my family better than any other, what other name could possibly do a better job than my last name?

Startup Toolkit 4 - Product Hunt.jpg

For the longest time before this post I had wanted to own or some approximation of isham[dot]anything and it was only through Product Hunt that I was able to actually buy the domain that I wanted as well as one more future .co to be decided later. Product Hunt, for all those who do not know, is a community wall where anybody can post new products (usually related to tech or the web) to share with the world through upvoting. Now on Product Hunt some of these posted products offer bonuses such as the one offer I jumped on by Namecheap. The offer was for two .99 cent .co tickets in which at that moment the long repressed urge to...

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